Subsidy Transactions


The subsidy transactions feature enables bundled transactions with an added subsidy to improve transaction inclusion and protect users from malicious MEV behaviors. When this feature is enabled, Kolibrio automatically adds a supplementary transaction with an extra Jito tip, increasing priority, and submits both the original and subsidy transactions as a bundle to Jito. This setup benefits applications seeking enhanced transaction performance without needing to modify individual user transactions or add tip instructions.

To support this, Kolibrio will assign a dedicated tip address linked to your Auth header. This address will be used to handle the subsidy transaction within your flow, allowing for optimized transaction bundling without manual setup.


To use subsidy transactions, the following requirements must be met:

  • Authorization Header: An authorization GUID is required to enable this premium feature. To receive an Auth header, contact the Kolibrio team. This authorization is linked to your dedicated tip address, which Kolibrio uses to handle the subsidy transaction.

  • tx_broadcast_mode: Set this parameter to subsidy in your requests to activate subsidy transaction bundling

Example Usage

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: YOUR_GUID_HERE" \
  -d '
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "sendTransaction",
    "params": [

Last updated